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training in crisis intervention

Crisis TODAY In Argentina it was called playard to one restriction to the extraction of fixed deadlines cash, accounts current and savings imposed by the Government of Fernando de la Rúa in the month of December 2001 Its origin goes back to June 2003, when Brazil, India and South Africa signed a declaration for the purpose of joint initiatives for the liberalization of the market of agriculture on 13 August of that year United States and the European communities made a joint proposal on the issue of agriculture, which was answered on 20 August to 20 different countries they formed the G-20. The name of G-20 responds to that at the time of the agreement for the establishment of the group, were 20 countries that gave it life. It is currently composed of 24 countries and is a space open to the integration of other developing nations. There are 21 permanent countries, and fluctuating permanence 6: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru and Turkey in the group leadership is exerted by the Group of five, major emerging economic powers; China, Brazil, Mexico, India and South Africa You will attend the meeting, the club of G-8, U.S., United Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, and Russia. All countries with a powerful value-added industry, and implications of financial institutions in global scope (large banks that are in the world). These countries have experienced economic crisis primarily in its financial aspect. Currency: Medium exchange encryption in a currency other than the national domestic. Securitization: Jesus said is the tendency of commercial banks in the international financial market to replace their loans and credit activity by you issue and placement of securities as well as the Organization, control... Budget deficit: in general terms, difference in which exceed the forecasts of expenditure s forecasts of revenue in the budget by any economic agent Current account: Measures the net balance (positive-negative) exports of goods and services from one country to the rest of the world less imports of goods and services from the rest of the world in a given period. The bag

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