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crisis prevention techniques

In Castile Catalonia Nuevay the fate of the rebels depended on the two big Madrid was soon aborted coup and Barcelona Goded troops neutralized by the forces of law and order and the organizacionesobreras fueronpronto. The Basque country seescindio. Vizcaya and Guip�zcoa were opposed to the coup, while Alava sesublevaba. In the Balearic Islands Majorca and Ibiza, but not minority arose. Covalent the rebels hesitated very much and they were soon neutralized. Tambienquedaron groups of rebels besieged by Republicans: the Alcazar deToledo and the sanctuary of the Virgen de la Cabeza in Ja�n. 3. the immediate consequences Spain was divided into two, because of alfracaso of the statement. Initially, the forces were bastanteequilibradas. If the rebels had the army of Africa, the mejorpreparado, the fleet stayed Republican, as well as aviation. In addition, the gobiernodisponia of the most important capitals, Catalan and Basque industry and lasreservas of gold from the Bank of Spain. The acontecimientosse fell in the following days. Casares Quiroga tried to keep lalegalidad with its own forces and prevented the distribution of weapons to the his resignation, Aza�a tried to form a Government with Mart�nez Barrio tratode to avoid the civil war by proposing negotiations that neither Mola and LargoCaballero accepted. Finally, on July 19 was formed a new Government, headed by Giral, who proceeded to the distribution of weapons.

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