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crisis intervention classes

Crisis THE CRISIS OF THE FAILURE The key phrase here is: I feel bad for what I did. Finally after passing by the curiosity and give in to the temptation, the frustrated young believer is immersed in the failure. Every son of God suffers when fails to the Lord. It is not the fear of correction, is the deep shame of being traitors who price of blood we rescued. How can I I do praise God after that I've failed you? Once I received a postcard that had printed a "phrase that read: love me when I least deserve it, it will be when most needed it", the Lord It never rejects the repentant soul (1 Jn 1.9). It is said that the word repent means change your mind and act in accordance with that change. There is sadness in our hearts When we sin and fail you to God. There was sadness in the disciple Peter after denying Jesus. Peter cried bitterly because despite his immaturity, he had learned to love the master, and this "was categorically proven when days later answer the question: Peter do you love me?" (Jn 21:15). The divine mercy has always been present in the history of the redemption of man. The failures can offer us great lessons for the future. A failure can be the prelude of great victories in the life of young people. We believe in the restoration, we have experienced God is pleasure in - by means of his spirit - restoring and make all things new they could be wrong. Dear young, Dios can restore your spiritual life, your sexuality, your witness and Ministry, only begins to stand up as the children of God. Looking for your presence in privacy, sure that there will be something that will change your life forever. The failures may not be the end, are just one more reason to start again. We try to help our youth to face and overcome the crisis of the curiosity, the temptation and failures. Offer them our hand and heart as our faithful example would do it: JESUS CHRIST. Used with permission The crisis of temptation The classic phrase that characterized this crisis is: I feel like doing so. The temptation follows the curiosity to sin. Our nature feels the desire to do what we know that pleases not God (James 1:12). The temptation is often an opportunity to fulfill a need right in the wrong way, outside the will of God. For example: is not bad that young people want to fall in love and form relationships with the goal of one day founding a Christian marriage, which is a blessing for those who take on the challenge. But the problem comes when our youth impatient having no success in this sense and succumb to the attempt to begin a relationship with someone not Christian. We can say if costs to the couples Christian effort and sacrifice to keep us from fornication, much more for the believer who decides to venture into a relationship with someone not regenerated by the Holy Spirit! The Apostle Paul exhorts us: everything is me I lawful, but not everything should be me "(1 Co 10:23)." Today the secularism and the Gospel without compromise are trying to invade the Christian circles. Written by cristianojoven 2009-09-27 in General comments (0) THE CRISIS OF CURIOSITY This crisis operates on the basis of some questions that the young man is first and foremost the unknown is how? What you will feel by doing so? Satan uses the curiosity to awaken attention to sin, especially to those who were born in the Gospel, a phrase used to refer to the brothers who were born in a Christian home. Surely curious was present in the minds of Adam and Eve. Them, before disobeying divine mandate could feel curious about the taste and everything else about the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gn 2:15; Gn 3:6). Young people are by nature explorers of everything new, yearn for new friendships, new roads and new entertainment and horizons. Not in vain the Bible says that there is a way that seems the man right; but an end is death road"(Pr 14:12). WE SEEK TO TEACH THE VALUES OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD File

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