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crisis intervention training for social workers

It's a Constituciondemocratica collecting the ideas of Socialist and Republican with the aim to radically change the structures of the State. It defined Spain as Unarepublica of workers (article 1). It recognizes the freedom of worship, deexpresion, of Assembly and of Association, it eliminated the prior censorship. Is protegenlos rights of workers (unemployment and illness insurance), chance that women occupy public offices and civil marriage and eldivorcio. The Executive Branch and the President of the Republic are elected and accountable approved censored porlas Cortes (legislature). It was much debated religious lacuestion. Finally, despite the wishes of expel all religious lasordenes and the confiscation of their property, only applied to losjesuitas. Within the period of two years the Church would cease to perceive subvencionesdel State and is prohibit you exercise teaching. Was also much debated female elvoto that finally was adopted, as well as the right to autonomy municipalities and regions (article 32) and the compulsory purchase detierras in cases of public usefulness (article 44) Following the adoption of the Constitution the Congress appointed President of the Republic to Alcalá Zamora, queencarga Manuel Azaña to form a Government, which would be excluded losradicales Lerroux, which will be to the right.

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