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non violent crisis intervention post test

The situation of disorder ydesconcierto was total for the poor organization of the opposing forces alregimen. The political system of the restoration had been water on all sides. Wing application for autonomy in the Basque country and Catalonia, increasing lashuelgas and growth of working-class organizations, ypatronal worker violence and the difficult coexistence between traditional political parties yel ascent of the workers parties, joined by the intensification of the war deMarruecos. Between 1915-y1921 are sucedieronsiete heads of Government and 16 ministerial cabinets without adding solucionalguna to the crisis posed. Finally, a fact came to Accelerator actuarde so that crisis leads in the breaking of the sistemaconstitucional: the military defeat of Annual, July 1921, which cost 14. 000bajas in the army and in very short days will cause the collapse of all Eastern lazona of Moroccan protectorate. Maura, appointed head of Government, fueimpotente to unlock the general Picasso research by losucedido. Sánchez-Guerra, that replaced it had enough energy paraprocesar to the general Berenguer and dismiss the General Martínez Anido yArlegui of their police posts in Barcelona. But he could not resist elescandalo of liabilities, amounting to ultimately alpropio King and fell during the debate in the courts, in December 1922. Conspiracy is brewing over the months to transcurrenentre elections in spring and the month of September. Since June, leading General reach agreement organizing the coup, establish strong ungobierno and avoid the disunity in the army. In early September, they agree which Primo de Rivera, Captain General of Catalonia, quienlo direct. This writes his day 12 Manifiestoy are rising up. Coup succeeds thanks to the silence of Alfonso XIII, who, after delaying his return to Madrid from San Sebastian, just, on the morning of the 14th, entrusting to the coup Government Headquarters.

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