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crisis prevention intervention classes

It began in Morocco on July 17, ahead of the planned date. Two days later assumed command elgeneral Franco, who had rebelled in the Canary Islands and transferred to Morocco aboard the Dragon Rapide, a British plane rented by conspiradoresmonarquicos. As of July 18 the uprising spread to sea, depending on the success of the preparation and the number of conspirators. In Navarra, sublevadapor Mola, and Castilla, Catholic and conservative regions par excellence, geodetic triumphed easily. In Aragon, the uprising defeated in lascapitales province by the intervention of the general Cabanellas. Algoparecido took place in Oviedo thanks to the skilful maneuver general Aranda. Show rest of Asturias remained Republican. In Galicia, the success was fast in spite of the opposition of the workers organizations of the capitals. In Andaluciasorprendio maneuver Queipo de Llano, which occupied Seville. In Cadiz, Granaday Cordoba, military garrisons were precarious before the working fuerteresistencia. Something similar happened in Extremadura, but Caceres sesublevo.

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