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non violent crisis intervention strategies

Maura's successor at the head of the partidoConservador was appointed head of Government in October 1913. It was laoposicion of the Liberals and the conservative maurismo from the first moment. He avoided confrontation in the courts to keep them closed for 18 mesesde 25 which lasted its mandate. His most important measure was the pordecreto approval, in December 1913, of the communities, the Lliga Catalana or Cambo, nosatisfizo solution that requested a legislacioneconomica that data didn't grant. His Government fell when in the Cortesla opposition asked the Government a legislation aimed at solving economic problems losgraves. 6 Romanones(1915-1917) Head of the Liberals, happened to data eintento rebuild the party that so much damage had suffered on the death of Santiago dawn in finance, proposed a broad program of reformaseconomicas, ranging from the fiscal to the development of the industry, extraordinary budget operation that would go in a high percentage to public lainstruccion, irrigation and road construction. Piezaimprescindible was the implementation of a contribution about the benefits extraordinariosproducidos by the first world war, in which Spain was neutral; that didn't later due to opposition from conservatives. Alba Itabortion coincided with the maneuvers of Romanones in policy exteriorque eventually caused his downfall. Lesustituyo García Prieto which did not provide anything new and that had to confront lacrisisde 1917.

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