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non violent crisis intervention training program

Between May and July events occur: It was plural and disorganized. Brain fu�el general Emilio Mola. They were with it, general Goded, general Queipo deLlano and general Cabanellas. The participation of Franco was not clear final line. The count of Mayalde were also members of CEDA, as Ram�n SerranoS��er. The main leader of this group, Gil-Robles, was not consulted, although it would provide financial support with electoralesde funds his party. In any momentopensaron that was to end up in a civil war. I thought in a golperapido that implement a dictatorship that prepare the arrival of Lamonarquia. On the other hand, geodetic was known; even the press talked about it. The Government habiatomado some steps: The error of the gobiernofue not foresee the magnitude of the conspiracy and the inability to control their own masses by not daring to break with the far left. 2. the uprising and its propagation

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