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non violent crisis intervention pdf

Peseal failure of the objectives of the strike, workers parties salieronreforzados, as evidenced by the actions carried out in the following year. c. the crisis of the State. The Moroccan problem. The crisis was reactivated when Alfonso XIII found serious difficulties to find Government in marzode1918. In 1917 octubrede, the military Juntas had dropped to data and in full celebracionde the II Assembly of parliamentarians, the King got to the Lliga de Cambó sedescolgase and participate in the central Government. This collaboration would lose the League its hegemony in the catalan nationalism. The new Government of Garciaprieto, called concentration, soon was overtaken by the first huelgageneral of officials of post and telegraph, while the amenazabacon army intervene. The February 24 elections were clean that normal, in which for the first time is the Group parlamentariosocialista (6 seats). On the night of the 20 March al21, King formed ungobierno of national union chaired by Maura, but did not last long. First Llegabanlas news of the Bolshevik revolution which divided all socialist lospartidos of Europe, preventing that in Spain arose peelings of power. What if grew was the violence, both by the workers and by employers yempresarios. In the field, agrarian employers, through the casinos of farmers replied with durezaa peasant strikers. The Marquis of Comillas creates the center of Social defence, as a supplementary autenticocuerpo of police (in Madrid were handed over to members of 6. 000fusiles, tercerolas and guns). For its part, the Church mobilized to Catholic action to impose order through their organizations.

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