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The houses of the three officers of the police of the city which is accused to be a firecracker in the photo of the Minister of Justice and security Buenos Aires, Mart�n Ocampo, in the copmisaria 54, were raided in the last hours and among other measures were abducted them cell phones. Judicial sources revealed to the Blog police now that the operatives were taken to cabopor national gendarmerie, Buenos Aires police and the body of judicial research of the Prosecutor of the city at the request of the Prosecutor Martin lopez Zabaleta in the cause caratulada as "Threats" that has as judge Pablo Casas. The three defendants, which, in principle, it was said that they were non-commissioned officers of the Federal Police transferred, but in reality they are official, were identified as: inspector Ariel Lucas Basuf, and the official first (in the Federal is equivalent to the rank of adjudant) Nahuel Ignacio Rotela and Pablo Ernesto Trigidio, who were last to availability by the order of the day internal (ODI) number 7 city on January 11. The court order was to seize the homes of staff, located in the Buenos Aires towns of Monte Grande (Esteban Echeverr�a party), San Mart�n and Quilmes.

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