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The effectiveness depends on the user: the increased risk of pregnancy is higher when a woman begins a new box of pills with a delay of 3 days, when you omit 3 more pills near the beginning of the end of a box of pills. As commonly used, occur about 8 pregnancies per 100 women using AOC in the course of the first year. It signi? ca that 92 of every 100 women that usanAOC will not be pregnant. When mistakes are not made to the pill, there are fewer de1 pregnancy out of 100 women who use COCS in the course of the first year (3 per 1,000 women). Return of fertility after termination of AOC: without delay Protection against STDs (STI): no Who can and who can not use combined oral contraceptives?�Safe and suitable for almost all women Almost all women can use AOC safely and effectively, including women who: -Have had children not -Not be married -Have all ages, including adolescents and women over 40 -They have recently had an abortion caused a miscarriage -Smoke cigarettes - if they are under 35 years of age -Have had anemia in the past -Have varicose veins -Are infected with HIV, are not in antiretroviral therapy -Combined oral contraceptives for women with HIV

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