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crisis intervention training scenarios

In December 1916 the UGT and laCNT call for strike against carestiade life for the 16th. The strike was total and surprised the Government deRomanones. There was no political response to the first call. Paraentonces: b. the general strike of 1917 This situation of pre crisis occurs Whenthe gap between corporate profits and wages was and UGT initiated the preparation of a general strike, as a previous step auna democratic revolution that passed by the convocation of CortesConstituyentes a representative interim Government, which supliese to laCorona. The strike began on August 13, with total tracking in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Zaragoza, Oviedo and Asturias cuencaminera, industrial areas of Catalonia and Valencian country, minas deLinares, Riotinto, Cartagena, León, Palencia, Peñarroya and numerous capitalesde province. It was a less followed in railways, while his origeninmediato was the threat of a rail strike voted by the Union ugetistadel bouquet. According to Tunon de Lara strike fuemedio caused by the Government, knowing that the proyectorevolucionario was still immature and the subsequent disorder seriautilizada by the Government to pose as champion of the threatened social order. In its submission was utilizadoel Army (despite the complaints of the joints). The balance was almost a centenarde strikers dead and hundreds of wounded. Stopped at about 2. 000personas, including the strike Committee (Besteiro, Largo Caballero, Anguianoy Saborit) whom a Council of war sentenced to life imprisonment.

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