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Police stations Written by policialesahora 06-07-2015 in police comments (0) During this weekend a band committed a criminal raid and seized four vehicles in a radius of 20 blocks between park Villa and Villa General Mitre. Police sources revealed to the blog police now that early Saturday a group of criminals stole a red Ford Escort model 95, a blue Renault 11 model 92, a white Fiat Duna 1997 and a blue Peugeot 405 1996, all of them in Villa del Parque and the latter in Villa General Mitre. Victims settled the respective reports at the 43rd police, while the owner of the Peugeot 405 did in the sectional 41st, both offices of the Federal Police. Also on Sunday morning there were more complaints by automotive theft in that area, but the amount of the same was not provided. In that sense, a researcher said this blog this new modality of offenders is to sell on the black market auto parts of these boulders, since in recent months occurred a shortage of these antique pieces in the automotive legal market. "Offenders are those cars in good condition to a clandestine desarmadero, there to 'cut' the car and sold auto parts on the black market. In this way, they cater to workshops and vendors in the field, many of them recorded in white", explained the source. The concrete is that the Federal police ordered an alert regarding this new modality, especially in stations 41st and 43rd, where were these robberies, since it is a crime that threatens to expand to other neighborhoods of the city and suburbs. In the past two years were driven out of the 270 Federal police troops, among officers, noncommissioned officers and assistants, by various irregularities committed. Thus implies a report of strength to which accessed the blog PolicialesAhora, and indicating that the figure includes the exempt and those who remained unemployed since the period in which Sergio Berni settled as Secretary for security of the nation and was in charge of the Federal forces... "Exemptions are the lack of more serious dishonor and those are those who stole weapons for example, while the unemployment are also sumariado staff but not for criminal acts. The latter lost the police state and charge 75 percent of a retirement, but none can return to work in the national public administration. And the exonerated lose all rights,"said a police source consulted by this means. That way, if breaks down the statistics, among the officers there was exonerated in 2013, 2014 or 2015 so far (computations include up to 31 March), while unemployed there were 4 in 2013, 28 in 2014 and 0 this year. Meanwhile, among non-commissioned officers there was an exonerated in 2014 and one in 2014, while 121 police were uninsured in 2013, 106 in 2014 and in 2015 6. And among the assistants were a been in 2013 and 2014 2. On the other hand, the Superintendency of Internal Affairs of the Federal Police carried out during that period 775 administrative investigations by various irregularities, with members of the force serving in Buenos Aires, in the province of Buenos Aires and in the interior of the country - in the city there were 211 research and between the two remaining items add 564. When a Federal cash is being investigated by any irregularity is responsible for internal affairs, in charge of the Commissioner general Mabel Franco - the first woman in the history of the force to reach the maximum ladder - and then I suggest you type of punishment to the Superintendency of personnel, headed by the Commissioner general Rubén Spettoli, that is finally the decision and can not accept the "suggestion". In that sense, internal affairs raised 80 unemployment (48 in 2013, 30 in 2014 and in 2015 2) and 41 exemptions (17 in 2013, 2014 11 and 13 in 2015). However, the Superintendency of personnel decided to exonerate two of them, but fired more than suggested by the franc area, were 268. Meanwhile, last to availability - waiting for a new destination for the time that is necessary, after committing some not-so-serious irregularity - there were 58 police officers (13 in 2013, 31 in 2014 and 14 in 2015), while in passive service - those who were to a step of the exemption and charged half of salary - 30 (19 in 2013 7 in 2014 and 4 in 2015). Finally, with internal arrest there were uniformed 583 (332 in 2013, 203 in 2014 and 2015 48) apercibidos 79 (59 in 2013, 2014 19 and 1 by 2015) and suspended preventively 5 (3 in 2013, 2 in 2014, and none in 2015).

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