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According to judicial sources, the three defendants were in their homes when security forces entered for the raids, aimed at cell phones recurperar any information that could be used to cause, beyond which has already been deleted. Also, it was reported that the city prosecutor's Office "is taking in all seriousness this cause because it is very serious what happened" on Saturday 31 December when the defendants were filmed by exploding a firecracker in a photo of Ocampo in the sectional 54 of Villa Luro. Written by policialesahora 07-10-2015 in security reviews (0) The police 54�de the Federal Police, located in the street Basualdo 165 of the neighborhood of Liniers, was inaugurated this Wednesday afternoon, with a videoconference that the President Cristina Kirchner led, and whose act participated the Secretary for security of the nation, Sergio Berni, the Commander of the force, Commissioner general Rom�n Di Santo, and the Minister of economy , Axel Kicillof, among others. The Commissioner has defined its dome, with curator Roxana Claudia Corbo as the head - currently there are only two women in the Buenos Aires federal agencies, since the other is Roxana Braga on the 5th of Balvanera-, the Deputy Superintendent N�stor Lu��s Cubilla as Deputy Chief and Juan Carlos Coppa as the third head.

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