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On the left is Republican left reconstruyela. The Republican left of Aza�a, bringing together the PRRS of MarcelinoDomingo and the ORGA of Casares Quiroga was born in April 1934. In September, Martinez Barrio founded the Republican Union. While the izquierdaobrera radicalizes: the PSOE, led by Prieto and Largo Caballero, requires preparation of a revolution where CEDA reach the Government and control of UGT towelling. The JuventudesSocialistas come to the Communists under the leadership of SantiagoCarrillo. The PCE started an approach to the PSOE to create a frenteantifascista. Only the CNT remains on the sidelines. Before the series of measures taken against the agrarian reform, the UGTconvoca a general strike of peasants, which lasted 12 days and spread through 38provincias, which ended in failure by the harsh repression of the Government: 13 muertosy 7,000 prisoners, closure of the houses of the village and Socialist newspapers. Peasant movement took months to recover. b. the October 1934 revolution

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