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3841 crisis intervention training

Apart from 1907 began to ask all heads of party in crises illuminating tended to undergo the suggestions of the Presidents of the Council deMinistros, with which allowed a more liberal Constitution interpretation; but, given the enormous power that it had attributed to him and the electoral fraudulentosistema, whenever it ousted a head of Government was criticized porconsiderarse conduct fruit of inexperience , while the ganabasu trust and accessible to that office, I used to think it was by their propiosmedios. Hence the bad image that took in certain moments of his reign. In 1902, it replaces the desgastadoSagasta, Francisco Silvela, Chief conservative delpartido. Austere and moralistic tried appealing to the neutral masses delpais to changes in public life. However, his actuacioncontradictoria led him to abandon the Executive a year later and leave lapresidencia of the conservative party a few months later. The conservadoresquedaron following the split between those who supported Raimundo FernándezVillaverde, Minister of finance, and the followers of Antonio Maura, who could not, head of the Government get necessary stability and let the power at the end of 1904.

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