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crisis intervention counseling certification

 While some sectors of the idle right fascistizarse, others on the left is bolchevizarán. On the other hand, capitalism, by effects of the depression, enters encrisis, taking States that intervene in the economy, creating empresaspublicas that will be used for very different purposes. In Italy and Germany many more lethal weaponry that will be tested in the Civilespanola Guerra. Thus, democracy and the Republic arrived in Spain in an unpropitious circunstanciasinternacionales. By 1931, Spain is a country behind economically and with class enormesdiferencias. It had a population of 23.5 million, majority peasants (45.5% of the active population), by what remained rural siendopredominantemente, with archaic structures and a malrepartida property: about 10,000 families owned more than half of the land and deellas relied on 2 million day laborers. Produced by the crash of 1929, widespread protectionism to halt Spanish foreign The peseta was devalued, the stock market collapsed, processof Asturian and Basque steel stagnated. On the other hand, the Republic lallegada originated a leak of entrepreneurs and capital to Europe (Palafox estimated at 1,000 million pesetas that left deinvertirse in the industry and in the field). Consequently, increased unemployment ylas strikes being 1933 the worst year of the crisis with 600,000 unemployed (60% peasants).

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