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crisis intervention training for teachers

Divided into two stages by the Revolucionsocialista of October 1934. Few days after the victory of the right, the CNT sparked armed unainsurreccion, which left 89 dead and 163 wounded, being encarcelados700 insurgents and closed the premises and anarchist newspapers. On 18 December Lerroux forms a radical Government with the apoyoparlamentario of the CEDA. The management of the first nine months was difficult to yconflictiva, partly by the little marriage of the Government and, in part, by pressure cedista. Their main medidastendieron to eliminate the advances of the previous biennium: At the same time held strikes, on debates and growing ladivision between the right and the left. Basic tresgrupos are formed on the right: Spanish Falange and lasJONS, Spanish Renewal Party of monarchists and, above all, the CEDA. The Juventudes de acci�n Popular (JAP) were already acting as a miliciafascista to crying to Gil-Robles as the 'Chief' in imitation of the German and Italian models. In the Center, increasingly masdesprestigiado for their collaboration with CEDA, is Radical Party of Lerroux, divididotras the departure of Martinez district, the party of Maura and the PNV.

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