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non violent intervention crisis training

The climate of violence and tensionpolitica generated an explosive situation that led to the worker leaders apreparar an armed insurrection for fear that the CEDA entered into Government. October 4 enter the 3 cedistas. That same afternoon Socialist losdirigentes give the order to strike. Day 5 unemployment is general inall the cities, but not in the field. In Asturias, from the first day, the mobilization is a revolutionary armed insurrection. All workers are armed, organized and prepared. In 2 days controlanlos main urban nuclei and conquer, facing off against the army, capital lapropia. But the movement failed in Madrid, when the Government ordenoel cantonment of troops and the arrest of the main dirigentessocialistas and Communists. In Catalonia, the Companys President kept laesperanza of triumph until general Goded ordered the bombing of laGeneralitat.

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