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crisis intervention training for police

Liberal-progresista Elpartido, on the other hand, had been orphaned after the death of Sagasta in 1903 and decided in favor of rotation at the head of the party and Government that momentarily agreed the Liberals after the first fall was Eugenio Montero Ríos, in full decline politically and facing two serious problems: the absurdaestructura of the army and the criticism of his performance during the war Segismundo Moret replaced him which presented a program of reforms, but that also failed the incondicionalapoyo of the liberal party. In addition, to the above problems, joined le elenfrentamiento with conservatives because he wanted to restrict the presence in society of the religious orders. After his fall, followed a series of liberal degobiernos of very short duration and no coherent program, the quefacilito the return of the conservatives to power. His previous experience you habiaconvencido of the need to attract the neutral masses and for this realizouna intense political action unknown up to then: However, in the month of July 1909, Maura, which until then had not had major problems, had to be enfrentarseal sad episode in the tragic week of Barcelona. Lasituacion of social instability in Barcelona, motivated by the catalanist movement confluenciadel and working social unrest, erupted when Government decided to send married Catalan reservists to quell unincidente in Morocco, near Melilla. In 1906, by virtue of the Tratadode Algeciras, Morocco had been divided into two areas of colonial entreFrancia (the majority) and Spain (North). This forced Spain to start lacolonizacion with the opposition of the Moroccans.

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