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crisis intervention training for law enforcement texas

It came due to the failure of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and sualianza with the throne, which strengthened the Republican thesis with the formation ofthe Republican Alliance (radicals of Lerroux, Republican action of Azana yradicales-Socialist of Marcelino Domingo), which together with the PSOE and Catalan losnacionalistas will sign the Pact of San Sebastián in 1930 paraimplantar the Republic and give a status to Catalonia. On the other hand, laaceptacion of Alfonso XIII of the dictatorship, made many monarquicosrepudiaran the monarchy. April 12 defeat Republicans in municipal laselecciones, the 13th King's position is untenable, the 14 demadrugada March into exile, in the morning is proclaimed the second Republic and senombra a provisional Government. 3. the provisional Government It is composed of the Pact of San Sebastián losfirmantes and was chaired by Alcalá Zamora. April to December rush the following reforms: 4. the Constitution of 1931. El28 of June, 1931 were held the first general elections for CortesConstituyentes. Four and a half million Spaniards voted (70% of the Census). The most voted party was the PSOE (116 seats), followed by the Radical of Lerroux (90 seats) and the radical-Socialista (57). The party of Azaña had 26diputados, Esquerra Republicana, 36, the ORGA of Casares Quiroga, 15 and the PNV, 14. 90 deputies were Republican rights and 30 the monarchists. New cuts produced a Constitution that was approved on 9 December de1931.

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