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5.2. demographic, economic and political crisis of the late Middle Ages. Posted by manuelvidal 07-01-2013 in General comments (0) 5.2 CRISISDEMOGRAFICA, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL. During the first half of the uber slowed the economic and demographic growth of the centuries extensive agriculture stagnated, not covering their production the requirement a growing population. This situation were joined by wars and neurogenerative that turned into one of the most unstable of story of Europe this century. Demographic crisis: Lapoblación decreased throughout the 14th century. The main cause was the llegadade the black plague in different waves (1348, 1363, 1371), acting saucers population badly fed, with few defenses, poor hygiene and without remediosefectivos, it caused a great slaughter, especially in Majorca, Valencia, Catalonia and Aragon. Economic crisis: economic Lasconsecuencias were enormous: reduction of farmland, alzade prices, incomes drop, freeze on industry and Commerce Catalonia, crisis of subsistence... Valencia replaced Barcelona comoprincipal port of the Spanish levante and in Castilla was developed the nomad ganaderiaovina, due to the retreat of agriculture. The artesaniase sank before the fall in demand. Social crisis: social Lasconsecuencias resulted in the increase of conflicts entregrupos and classes in defense of their income and resources, attacks against the hispanojudios dexenofobia (POGROMS, is called the assault on lasjuderias), the excesses of the nobility appropriating lands of the Councils eincrementando oppression on the peasantry, the riots (Irmandiños, farmers of Remença) antisenorialescampesinas, (the Biga and laBusca) urban conflicts and struggles between nobles. Political crisis: in Castile, on the death of Alfonso XI, is triggered a civil war between Pedro I and suhermanastro Enrique II, rising to the throne this last in 1369 and kicking wing dynasty Trastámara that, years later, by the compromise of Caspe (1412), it would reign in Aragon with Fernando I of Antequera. During the conflict over power Castile and Aragon were involved in the 100 years war. In Aragón, Pedro IV (1336-1387) hubode confront the nobility of Aragón and Valencia. On the death of your Martini the human child, entered a new dynasty, the Trastámara, the person I deFernando, whose grandson, Juan II, maintained a civil war (1462-1472) Catalonia faced the Catalan Generalitat and the Consell de Cent Barcelona. Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment. Contents of high school

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