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Crisis The crisis of breastfeeding: I was looking for information when I happened to me. I found an article on albalactancia that I went to a compete, so it was, my baby and I were passing a growth crisis by then. With patience, give much teta day and night (every hour and peak, dead), in about 1 week, my baby already returning to normal. I decided well informed me about this topic because I saw that not matched me exactly the crisis constrained times, and I saw that they were approximations. In my case, we have a crisis of a few days each month, more less. Also to inform me, I found a fairly complete article "Diary of an IBCLC lactation consultant", with the title "Growth Crisis", I was reading it and I thought it was pretty full. I did a copy and paste of the content because I think it explains it very humanely in the first place, and very detailed. He was eager to tell you about it, but I have not had much time to say these months. Here is the article: The growth crisis They are called growth crisis peaks of growth, of growth, shoots of growth... There are occasional moments throughout lactation in which it seems that suddenly the baby is angry with the teat and no longer wants to suck. Occur for two reasons: by maturation of the child, They often coincide, more less, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. But there is more after that time. Some babies have them, others do not pass them go just a few. Check with the revisions of the healthy child with nurse with the pediatrician, who is lactancia-crecimiento crisis, since sometimes what is interpreted as a crisis hides a real problem that needs to be solved, a real poor weight gain, an infection a neurological problem. It is very important that the professional who treats us to this updated and do not recommend bibes supports food at an early age. The advisers of lactation that exist in the different cities are which tend to be more up to date, how the of albalactancia League of milk, among others. Crises can make that mother doubts their ability to breastfeed. As patience, many arms, many mimes and much to nurse, to demand, both how your baby you ask. If I know that it is normal, if I interpret it as something normal, I relax. If I know that it is not a problem, I'm not a problem of something that it is not. To be relaxed also convey my baby relaxation, at least do not get you more nervous. After a few days, everything returns to normal, maximum 1 week. But outside, consult with a professional updated (your city, midwife, nurse, pediatrician nurse advisers...) Many times the mother overwhelmed by the situation suggests that he wants to wean. It is not the best time. Expected to pass this crisis, and insurance then see it another color. And if you still want to wean, ask your breastfeeding Advisor how to do it in the best possible way, not suffer you (your chest), or suffer your baby. I leave here the most common growth crisis: CRISIS BETWEEN 15-17 DAYS THE CRISIS of 6-7 weeks (40 days of the baby's life) CRISIS OF THE 3 MONTHS -There are boys who may suffer from the 4 months. It's the same but after 4 months. CRISIS OF 6 MONTHS -Introducing the AC, some are passionate about the AC. It has little desire to breastfeed. Then the mother tries to you give, and the baby refuses, gets angry. And when the mother struggles trying to take, the baby can bite. CRISIS OF THE 8-9 MONTHS 2 and there are no other babies that happens otherwise, occurring from 8 months of separation anxiety, and many babies maman a lot, began to make constant chest shots to prevent his mother disappear because they have the feeling that is going to disappear at any time. CRISIS OF THE YEAR THE TWO-YEAR CRISIS Categories

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