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In January 1932, workmen Dela CNT occupied Barcelona and declare themselves independent. The sublevacionrevolucionaria ended with the deportation of 104 anarchists to Guinea. For may the situation serious esmuy army is divided, the anarchists continue to put bombs, strikes are generalized. On 10 August the general Sanjurjo are rising up Inseville, but fails, will be arrested and sentenced to death, although you seraconmutada by the penalty of life imprisonment. In these circumstances, tandificiles, in March 1932 is presented to the courts the first draft agendas agrarian. With it, the Minister of industry, Marcelino Domingo, queriacumplir two goals: to remedy unemployment, installing peasants in the tierrasexpropiadas to the landowners and redistributing land, giving in to loscampesinos of Andalusia, Extremadura, Real, Toledo, Albacete city ySalamanca together with credits so they could modernize the exploitation. Aquellospropietarios who had supported Sanjurjo would be expropriated sinindemnizacion, and those who had more than a sixth of the ofa municipality lands not cultivated them would be expropriated with compensation.

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