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crisis prevention intervention training certification

Finally, the reform which passed was so complex that just materialized because it required human and economic enormesrecursos. If we add the opposition from the right and losterratenientes, we have the reasons for his failure. Up to 1933 seinstalaron only some 9,000 families in less than 100,000 hectares, when only Enandalucia had to deal with 2.4 million hectares. Moreover, the Statute Decataluna, endorsed in August by 98% of the Catalans, was rectified yaprobado by the courts in September 1932, even removed the catalan theological as sole language and allusions to the right of self-determination yde incorporation of other territories. From that moment, Catalonia virtually Government autonomous, the Government, being its first President FrancescMaci�, a Parliament with legislative power and a Council as power Executive, own police and the catalan and Spanish as official languages.

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