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crisis prevention and intervention training

Duranteestos two years were carried out many reforms, moving forward lasecularizacion of the cemeteries, divorce and civil marriage, religious deCongregaciones Act, expelling the Jesuits, laws of order regions of Republic defense, but there was a great debate on the law databases of agrarian reform and the adoption of the Statute of autonomy Decataluna. Despite the disorganized Dela opposition, the Radical Party and the agrarian of Gil-Robles joined suscriticas monarchists and employers associations. The Catalan statute fuemal seen by some military and Sanjurjo, Goded, intellectuals, comoOrtega and Unamuno, and newspapers such as el Imparcial, by considerarloseparatista ABC. On the other hand, the campotambien was scrambled. Laborers Andalusian and Extremaduran check queno was produced the long-desired distribution of land, they began to move. 31 of December 1931, Guardia Civil, to dissolve a manifestation, matoa a farmer, fellow, enraged, attacked the guards, killing acuatro of them. The situation was exacerbated when, in Arnedo (La Rioja), laGuardia Civil killed four women and a child and injured 28 people paradisolver another manifestation. The Government dismissed the general Sanjurjo, Directorgeneral of the Civil Guard, to consider him responsible for the facts.

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