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non violent crisis prevention training

Towards the 12th the insurrection was suppressed everywhere less enAsturias. But the intervention of the army was decisive in here. FranciscoFranco, with full powers, Ochoa on 19 getting handed over command of operations to the Generallopez the accountability of the workers. Fuebrutal balance: 1,051 dead and wounded twice between insurgents and 284 muertosy 900 injured between the forces of order and the army. In addition, 30. 000detenidos. After this, left and right are doomed to the enfrentamientoque crystallize in the two large coalitions that seenfrentaran in the elections of February 1936. The end of the biennium right-wing c. 1935 jobless there are several parallel processes: In 1935 the right-wing Government continues with its policy rectification of previous reforms: The situation of the Government was very unstable to have queverse embraced by the extremism of the CEDA and the attitude of Alcal� Zamora, most critical application with the Government for his removal of the Constitution. Franco Elnombramiento as Chief of the General staff and Fanjul, Goded and Mola, the coup-prone, principal commanders of the army, in fuetambien a source of misgivings on the left and the President of the Republic.

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