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crisis intervention training videos

The final crisis was triggered in October, cuandoestalla the estraperlo scandal (authorization of high top radical charges, in Exchange for bribes, to a fabricanteholandes, Strauss, into Spanish casinos a machine dejuego), which plunges Lerroux. After several attempts of Governments deconcentracion, on 30 December, Portela Valladares, formed a Government with ourengagement of Alcal� Zamora dissolved the courts and call nuevaselecciones. 15 of January signed the Covenant on the Popular Front based on a minimum program, middle-class Republican rather left offer: start lasreformas of the first biennium, decreeing an amnesty and cancel all lasrepresalias by the October revolution and restore safeguards Pact left Republican Union Republican, the PSOE, PCE joined yel (party worker of Marxist Unification POUM (, Trotskyist tendency) LaCNT did not come, but not called for abstention. The other grand coalition was formed on the right, between elBloque national and the CEDA, although the latter INtime constituencies partial agreements reached with parties and radical Republicans, which provococonfusion to submit two nominations of right in many provinces. Nor had a firm and coherent program just joined les the rejection to larevolucion, Marxism and the threat of the victory of the Popular Front. TantoFalange as the PNV were kept apart from the Coalition on the right.

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