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non violent crisis intervention training online

In ECO we have this service to family and people who suffer from cancer. We can help you. Manuela Santamaria Psicooncologa P-01237 Written by ecopsicoterapia 15-06-2015 in life reviews (0) Life must try to understand it in the simplest way possible, but not the simple way" Albert Einstein. Sometimes appointments acquire greater weight depending on the dimension of its origin. We thought this was a fabulous reflection for the new issue of the magazine you have between your hands. Not lose time to introduce you to the author of the quotation, since all their findings are known, and if not at least, its significance in the world of study, life and science. We could say that Einstein was a man who was devoted to complicate life to subsequently make it more simple. And since this approach started this space of thought and reflection, with the aspiration that the reader transform, modify, supplement it here and get your own reflection of the appointment, of things, of their things. All, in many moments of our lives, have longed not complicate it, live the easiest way, but it is possible to do so without first having complicated? The human being to achieve this compulsively tends to flee the conflict, whether internal external, until at some point in life he discovers that intends to impossible, who can not live the simplest and at the same time always make the right decisions do not suffer or generate suffering on the other. The conflict is always present, and pretend to live in the most simple way"is trying to live without conflict.

non violent crisis intervention training online For Beginners
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