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To learn someone who suffers cancer involves a shock, costing many times believe that to be true and they are unable to make decisions, comes the fear and desolation. Each person responds differently which may vary during the day. The most common reactions: -guilt -insulation -positive emotional States All these reactions are normal and relatives and close people should support and understand each of them. Normal is that we do not know what to do sitenemos a person that have diagnosed you the disease, we are filled with helplessness and often forces us to distance ourselves to not suffer that impotence. Recommendations for someone who has the disease to family friends: 1. the acceptance of the disease, things are not at times as they would like us to be. It is much better to accept that he has cancer has been to be able to take it and continue with our vital goals. 2 focus on activities of enjoyment and physical and emotional recovery. During and after the treatment activities are much diminished altered, therefore they must be focus on activities to enjoy and regain physical form, make them one by one enjoying the positive each time. In this period there is time for himself to family and friends. 3 find emotional and instrumental support. Not isolated, and learn to accept help is very important and recognize the needs and knowing how to express them. 4. emotional relief. Keep negative feelings within one same makes them grow and become stronger, that is necessary to liberate them and talk about them, express their emotions, concerns you youovercome them. 5 learn any techniques of relaxation relaxing activities will help relieve tension: the mindfulness, yoga, etc. they can be useful. 6 adopt healthy lifestyle.

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