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crisis prevention intervention training

The Blog of public safety "THE TRUTH OF THE MILANESE" Milanese is a steak of beef chicken, batter with grated bread and eggs, then fried in oil. It is very nice, it is usually accompanied with French fries. That Peru has not eaten a rich Milanese. But that is not the truth of the Milanese": this is a popular saying that not be very well as it originated, but used when finally, someone decides to tell the truth, that certainty, which interprets it as such that has spontaneously. Friend look I'll tell the truth of the Milanese"... I'm going to refer to that "truth of the Milanese" who all comment to the interior of the national police, but that no one dares to comment in public, that truth has to do with the investigation of crime in the new accusatory penal model. You can know the truth of this Milanese, by clicking on this link: Overcome the inquisitorial criminal model with the criminal justice reform initiated gradually in the Peru year 2006, the Criminal investigation becomes the support of labor Attorney, who for this purpose with the support and collaboration of the national police.

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