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Children AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF MEXICO FACULTY OF MEDICINE: LIC. IN SURGEON CONTROL OF THE FAMILY READING AND MENTAL HEALTH SUBJECT: MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY NAME OF STUDENT: VANESSA CÁRDENAS TIARE FIFTH FIRST SEMESTER GROUP 1 Into this world we came alone, what we don't know is that we will not get alone and helpless to the ground, we arrived to a family that will care and protect from the Wiles of the lion of the Earth, family goes beyond a carnal and biological link, there are ties of love and the soul that will last forever. L family is so primitive, family is more important and functional human sociological training, have established rules and general aspects of what has been the structure and characteristics of them all starts with the laso marital of a man and a woman, although radically today may be same-sex couples, joining their lives to have children and raise a family. I am unhappy with Plato because the family never to be deleted if there is no family we not would become a human being clear is that it was linked to the State and see it as one fundamental part however the State if it should be removed, the family always persevere and more are in contrast with C. Vicent am agreement because a family system in any social generalization It sounds illogical to not be established as well. The family is then now as I see it a group in which there is a hierarchy authority who are parents and children who must obey the rules, culture that diffuses and values that influence him. More however is so modified by the revolution's ideals between the equality of both sexes, now empowered women are so liberated and as important as the man. I think that we are effectively in a changing society, in which families are contrasted in the traditional and the modern, personally think that none of the 2 I like, maybe if to blend both, i.e. freedom conditioned child, reinforced with wisdom, values and love in the treatment of all members and mutual support is more comprehensive. If there are types of families that depend on the marital relationship already are nuclear that monogamous and a polygamous in which overflow rules today according to Murdock, although I can say that if I were polygamous would be the same situation today as is more normal in a population at all times, because it is always given by the marital infidelity. Have what classifies the bond between family members in another plane close together making a family, quite outdated from my perspective clear, it's the inbred where there are family members with blood kinship along with their husbands, also other guys gather between if and cousins, these families are olbigadas to terminate their ties as a result d ela death of grandparents and interposes the rivalry by inheritance It is clear that a family has to classical functions which go through a natural process since ancient times, starting playback through the union of marriage, the cultural and social formation of children, livelihoods and mental health and fill it with love. It should be noted that now the couples access only to reproduce and sustain the children without any guide of wisdom and love. That it lead to diseases of the soul, where there is a basio dragging the best continuity of the fraternal company.

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