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Civil directory. The economic, social and political evolution. It replaces the earlier in December 1925, with only a military in governance. They stood out in this first cabinet, Sotelo in finance, the conde de Guadalhorce in promotion and Eduardo Aunós enTrabajo. It marked the return of the army to the barracks. He proposed the formation ofa AsambleaNacional Advisory already in 1926, but not convened until the anosiguiente. Made up of 400 members elected as organicade representing municipalities, provinces, Church, army, sectors of culture, intereseseconomicos, restricted suffrage ycorporativo electoral process. He was tasked with the Mission of developing the equivalent of a Nuevaconstitucion. The draft text is presentoen 1929 and did not satisfy anyone. It promulgating a non-democratic State, national sinsoberania or division of powers, with a single Chamber, half decuyos member was appointed by the Crown, and which is accorded to the reyamplios Executive and legislative powers. But the Assembly was a Patriotic Union did not take root. In 1929, it was clear that neither the Assembly nor the party would survive the dictator. If the regime endured until 1930fue by the economic boom that emerged after the agreements of Locarno (1925) and losplanes of us funding in Europe. The Spanish industry grew and also lohizo agriculture, although to a lesser extent, coinciding with an escasaconflictividad based on the stability of employment and the sustainability of lossalarios. The dictatorship took the opportunity to carry out a policy of intervencioneconomica of paternalistic character that did not allow to make the necessary cambiosestructurales and not translated into real development. Surealizacion most important was infrastructure investment policy. As regards social policy, Primode Rivera created the National Labour Council in 1924 which, starting from 1925, withthe Aunós arrival at the Ministry of labour, produced legislation cuts, paternalistic, but positive:

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