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nonviolent crisis intervention techniques

The war altered the world market. The principalespotencias became belligerent and exporters to importers of neutral countries, such as Spain. As consequence, the raw, industrial products prices, mining and even food subieronde dramatically. In Spain was reactivated the economy producing a mayordesequilibrio between employers and workers. As example: between 1914-y1920 (taking as a base 100 for the year 1913), nominal wages subieronhasta a 179,3 index; corporate profits up to 214 and the precioshasta 227,6. At the time created 3.486 corporations (including Central Bank shall the Urquijo, the Babcock and Wilcox, the navigation Transmediterranea...) Estadesigualdad wages and benefits favoured the growth and laimplantación of labor organizations. The UGT will happen in less than 3 years 100,000 members a240.000 less; the PSOE, from 15,000 to more than 50,000 and laCNT will have 650. 000afiliados in 1919. On the other hand, the great Guerradividio to the partnership between germanofilos (Conservatives and the majority of the military), aliadofilos (intellectuals, Liberal, radical and Republican yun broad sector of the PSOE) and neutralistas (a minority sector of the PSOE, data and some conservative sectors).

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