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crisis prevention intervention certification

Cancer is a taboo disease and one of the most feared by our current society. It is the second leading cause of death. This fear is given for various reasons: not having knowledge of the etiology, by its aggressive therapeutic and by association that remains of cancer-muerte, while the current survival rates have improved, there is still that relationship between the population regardless of age, sex, race, culture diagnostic information that is given to the individual. The connection between psychology and Oncology arises from the necessity of oncologic patients receiving psychological help since the diagnosis of the disease faces them to an idea of death and without expectations of a morning, which causes a vital crisis that modifies its adaptive patterns of life. The areas of intervention of the psicooncologo: 1 diagnostic phase: whose objective is to facilitate adaptation to disease both the patient and the family. 2. phase of treatment: aimed at facilitating adaptation to disease during the biomedical process, for better adhesion to the medical treatments. 3 phase interval free disease survival phase: help to properly integrate the information, facilitating the expression of fears and concerns, as well as provide the performance in their daily activities. 4 phase of recurrence: facilitate the prevention and treatment of depressive States When a person suffers from cancer at any stage of the disease, you have a very strong impact where several areas (personal, family and labour) are affected.

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