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crisis prevention intervention certification training

Reflections on health "Hippocrates: health is to live in harmony with oneself" There are no diseases, only sick" Heal without damaging" "The popular Latin phrase: Mens sana in corpore healthy" Written by anonymous 11-04-2013 Very good reflection, that good health is important, keep it becomes us very difficult, for the reasons that we have to confront a series of pressures. Written by anonymous 10-01-2013 Miss health and peace is lost, peace is lost and the life is lost, your point of view on health seems very full as she is lost for many reasons, and in different States... Written by anonymous on 27-06-2012 I'm going to put one of the latest I've read: when fighting emotions just get to increase your intensity, but if you stop fighting to embrace what you dislike, you will find the peace you need to see the world as it is. Truth and peace are achieved not fighting, but loving and appreciating Frederic Solergibert Submitted by anonymous on 2008-06-19 Add a comment: Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment. My body and my mind. my soul and my spirit.

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