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crisis intervention plan

Corbo comes from serving as head of Division Center of orientation of the victim and in this occasion will pass to form part of the metropolitan area. Meanwhile, this Wednesday at 8:00 already presented themselves policemen, both officers and non-commissioned officers, who already work in this sectional porte�a, which will be open to the community starting Monday, since on Tuesday night were their respective passes through the order of the day internal (ODI) number 187 force. In that sense, in addition to the Corbo Commissioner and the Commissioners Cubilla and Coppa, dependence will have by the time four official major, three inspectors and five sub-inspectors and nine aides, among officials, while among non-commissioned officers one greater non-commissioned officer, three auxiliary officers, four noncommissioned officers will be 16 sergeants 1 �, 19 sergeants, clerks, 33 cabos 1 �, 35 capes and 131 agents. The technical ladder (staff) there will be a first place, two corporals and three agents. The Commissioner 54th, created under the resolution police Federal Argentina (PFA) number 1237 / 2015, will depend on the 8th constituency and will allow you to unzip part of its 42nd and 44th dependencies jurisdictions - will continue to have to charge the Velez Stadium. Thus, the limit of the sectional 42nd will be: Avenida Emilio Castro, climbing, Jos� Enrique Rod�, Oliden, Eva Per�n, Avenida General Paz Avenue to Avenida Emilio Castro; the 44th will understand: Lope de Vega Avenue, boundary North of the former railway General Sarmiento, Avenida General Paz to Lope de Vega; and the 54th will take: limit South of the former General Sarmiento railway; Avenida Lope de Vega, Manzoni, Escalada, Emilio Castro, Avenida General Paz Avenue to southern boundary of the former Sarmiento railway.

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