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crisis intervention prevention

Technicians in primary care in health (TAPS) Posted by tapspajan on 24-09-2012 in General comments (20) Technicians in primary care in health (TAPS), are the basis and strength, in the articulation of the community with health services, with the permanent support of the district Trustees, who are responsible for training and direct mentoring process in the community and health services. Written by anonymous 06-09-2013 I am the parish the goaltal am interested and waiting for the training that the Government we offered to work with my people and my community. the TAPS are people who promote and prevent the disease through home visits and talks Written by anonymous, 28-08-2013 I am Canton puerto quito and am interested in the training of technicians in health, already do know the needs of the sector porq I had the opportunity to work with a program for communities, I ask that you consider me part of the training team and then work thank you Written by anonymous 12-08-2013 I am a person that I am interested technical study in health not had the opportunity to do so, therefore my intention is to help and collaborate in my sector in terms of malnutrition and the lack of attention from some stakeholders within this topic. what I would be very proud if I had an opportunity of conducting these studies for the good of the homeland and be useful within Student Government. Written by anonymous 23-06-2013 Primary health care technicians are responsible for empowering people to increase control over their health, and to improve it. A group to achieve a proper physical, mental and social well-being, an individual must be able to identify and carry out a few aspirations, satisfy needs and change the environment adapt to it health is seen, as a resource for everyday life, not as the goal of life. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources along with physical abilities. Therefore, the promotion of health is not simply the responsibility of the health sector, but it goes beyond healthy life-styles to well-being. Written by anonymous, 05-04-2013 Technicians in primary care in health (TAPS), are trained and ready to promote and promote health. Written by anonymous 10-01-2013 THE TECHNICAL ATECCION OF HEALTH HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ROLE IN MAINLY WITHIN COMMUNITIES SO HELP PREBENIR DISEASES AND PROMOTE HEALTH. Submitted by anonymous on 17-10-2012 primary health care technicians meet a very important role within communities will be of much benefit to passing on our knowledge to communities which will be an entity that is important to prevent and promote health Submitted by anonymous on 17-10-2012 The strengthening of PHC in our country is a very important for the communities service method for so can focus on preventive medicine, with the help of the TAPS this purpose will be a great success since we will be always in contact with people more needy because we will be guardians of the health of the world and for the world. We will be changing the modes and style of life of each one of the people, we will be the change of our country... Written by anonymous on 16-10-2012 It is very important to be a taps with dedication and willingness to work with and for the community which will help so communities have lower amounts of environmental pollution and prevent so many diseases and sexually transmitted infections. Written by anonymous on 16-10-2012 Add a comment: Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment. MODEL OF COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH Technicians in primary care in health (TAPS). they are the basis and strength. in the articulation of the community with health services. with the permanent support of district tutors. you are responsible for the training and direct tutoring

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