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The four federal police officers returned to active duty in force Posted by policialesahora 19-11-2016 in police comments (0) Four officials of the Superintendence of research Federal of the Federal Police that were released by federal judge Daniel Rafecas justice after kidnapping and crime of a taxi driver returned to the active service force behind be the cessation of the passive service that had been sanctioned on Friday. Thus the blog police now police sources, revealed as published in the order of the day internal (ODI) of the force number 220, annulling so indicated in the ODI number 219, released 24 hours before. There was detailed to the head of the Central Operations Division (former anti-kidnapping), Commissioner Lionel Santos, Pablo Gil (second boss), inspector Bruno Mendoza Deputy Commissioner and the Deputy Inspector Diego Stella, all from the same area are back in office, once on Friday had been on the verge of the exemption. Luis Rodríguez federal judge had accepted the request of the federal prosecutor Carlos Stornelli detain four officials to understand that by recommending to the family of the taxi driver to not pay the ransom asked by the kidnappers, they murdered the man, identified as Alberto Sarubbi, 65-year-old. However, a day after four policemen were freed and their performance backed by the Minister of security of the nation, Patricia Bullrich, who ordered them to return to duties in force and thus cease passive service that had been sanctioned. Sarubbi was kidnapped Thursday when he went on Board of his cab, a Fiat Siena, by the Federal Capital, and killed hours later in La Matanza, then it should not hold the payment demanded by the captors of 200 thousand pesos. Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment.

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