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Massive police federal delegations Buenos Aires passes to increase the drug fight Posted by policialesahora, 01-10-2015 on security reviews (0) Nearly 700 federal police, officers and non-commissioned officers, were appointed to carry out its task in the delegations of San Martín and Tres de Febrero, in greater Buenos Aires, by order of the Secretary of security of the nation, Sergio Berni, and of the Commander of the force, Commissioner-general Roman Di Santo, with the aim of increasing the fight against drug trafficking and other federal crimes in these areas. Official sources told the blog police now that by now they are 684 troops who are already both in security and in investigations in both delegations and that not only involve uniformed security range but there are also divisions firefighters, communications and even some who were once again called to service. Designated police officers include varying degrees between officers (inspectors, sub-inspectors and assistants) and non-commissioned officers (major non-commissioned officers, auxiliary officers, commissioned scribes, first sergeants, sergeants, first cabos, corporals and agents), some who had scored when it left the call and others by order of the dome. All appointments occurred between last Saturday and Wednesday by the order of the day internal (ODI) force numbers 180, 181 and 182 and are not discarded that more passes has. "We want to reinforce the fight against drug trafficking and other federal offences, in addition to serving as a support to the Buenos Aires police at various points in the suburbs," said the source. The troops, who in many cases were taken from administrative positions of strength, will be performing prevention, by the recorrernan the town of Buenos Aires bipartisan and so were already distributed a significant amount of trucks Rangers 0 kilometer acquired for Federal Police months ago. So far, among the non-commissioned officers, were distributed in the San Martin delegation, Security Branch, 218 security personnel and 60 in research; 18 fire safety; 24 communications security and 5 in research; at the time that there are also retired uniformed 3 that were summoned again for the part of security. For the delegation, Tres de Febrero, ladder safety, there are 243 uniformed security and 58 in investigations; 11 firefighters in safety; communications there are 9 in safety and 4 in research; In addition to a retired convened for safety. Meanwhile, among the officers there are 8 security and 7 research in San Martin, while security 9 and 6 in research for three in February. In the coming days more passes, could occur while it is possible to make identical initiative with other delegations. Meanwhile, it was reported that those places that were vacant with these passes, especially in police stations, were covered by newly graduates and members of urban Operations Division containment and sports activities (DOUCAD). SAN MARTIN ARGENTINE FEDERAL POLICE DELEGATION Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment.

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