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The children's Psychiatric Hospital in Mexican children's Mental health Posted by gaceta35 on 09-11-2011 in General comments (2) Hospital psychiatric child Dr. Juan N. Navarro, is an institution created in October 1966 by President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz as part of the dismantling of psychiatric of the Castañeda. Part Today the child psychiatric, is a Centre for treatment of most mental disabilities recognized by the OMS la UCP extended care unit which is the reminiscence of what was the Castañeda One of the serious problems that we have found both on the experience of several parents as lean national statistics that both researchers of the HPIJNN as well as Dr. Medina Mora refer to 1 of every 7 kids with mental disorder and / behavior, is diagnosed and this usually up to the 8 a Recall that mental illnesses are considered as Chronicles by the OMS the OMS as the statistics from countries such as United States, Canada, and in general the UNION EUROPEAN In these lines not ' can say that one or the other in all in which mental illnesses and / behavior, what are implied and what percentage each of the factors. What if we can say, is that in MENTAL health Moreover, with the meager statistical data collected both by specialists as journalists, we can say that mental health in Mexico for children, is a matter left by the State, which only complies with the image but not the background and the solution of the issue, is more international agreements with the OMS the OMS considers mental health problem; Why invest a percentage of what is collected from taxes from the tobacco industry, said we must say that this money has not been applied to this case, but has earmarked totalitarimente this money to the cure and prevention of cancer and cardio-pulmonary diseases but for addiction in children and adolescents magramente with conadic more an institution as the HPIJNN has not come to you nothing of this spill even though one of the functions of this hospital is treating addictions and not only that, but rather as a mental illness that usually precede other mental illnesses, nothing not intended. Integrating some data of the referrals we have that in Mexico, 2006, every year more than 6 thousand people due to anxiety, depression and love problems, requirements, is suicidaban by deseperanza, rejection, among other factors and social problems and that the number of cases in children and adolescents is has tripilicado in less than four decades and in recent years , statistics and data on suicides have maquiillado more if it is in children and adolescents, considering secret data and that for every successful suicide are made of 10 a the OMS Only 8% of children with ADHD ADHD with DEFISIT of attention disorder diagnosed that 2006 data there are between 1.5 and 2 million children with this condition that is genetic and is a public health problem, and that is often way mediacar wrong children who do not suffer from it, and that is THE FIRST CAUSE EXTERNAL consultation of mental health in Mexico and everything because of the lack of medical personnel specialized since there is only a PAIDO - psychiatrist every 142,000 children and everything, because there is only the HOSPITAL psychiatric child DR. JUAN N. NAVARRO with an agreement with the UNAM to provide specialty and it is about to disappear by indolence and obtuces of officials of the Secretariat of Well my dear Jaime I think that this is a brief summary, as short of involving the mental health and therefore the indispensable resulting by places such as the psychiatric child DR. JUAN N. NAVARRO and not the simulation who want to manage as mental health treatment reducing interventions to just a few with open record since this does not resolve the issue in my case my son is 10 years, and that it was detected as such and started treatment late at age 8, despite the fact that at that age he had been 8 schools already had taken him the psychologist at the Institute of Communication Human Special collaboration of: Eugenia Olivera Olmos, consultant on policy and environmental management of the UAM Find her on Facebook as: Eugenia Olivera Olmos Written by anonymous on 28-02-2012 Excellent research work added to the wall: Written by anonymous on 09-11-2011 Add a comment: Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment. Attempt of communication interconnection between members of uns school community in Aguascalientes.

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