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online crisis intervention training

Ecuador Written by tapspajan 24-09-2012 in General comments (6) In 2009, with various representatives of society was achieved the following definition of Mental Health:... "" Is a State dearmonia and balance of the human being, that allows you to feel good consigomismo, be made in relation to their beliefs, which allows interactuarde a conscious, coherent and respectful manner with its cultural, social and natural environment and "the other"; A State that allows you to develop values yque may raise conditions ethical, to build a life project, which lepermita develop as a subject of rights". At the same time to haceroperativa this definition managed to arrange the following lines of action inthe construction of SM policy. Socio - organizational participation Promotion Social control and oversight public Development of human talent Technicians in primary care in health (TAPS), are the basis and strength, in the articulation of the community with services of health, with the permanent support of the Tutoresdistritales, who are responsible for training and direct tutoring in suproceso in the community and the health services. "" The competences liberators"local in SMpone highlighted the historical dialectic between knowing and doing, balances the individual growth with community organizing, facilitala personal liberation and social transformation", this identity process, granted an important role to the characteristics of individuals and susrelaciones interpersonal, allowing us to overcome individualism, elhedonismo, homeostatic vision and the ahistoricism"which has limited chance of understanding as a community culture , it has mechanisms paradesarrollar their own forms of resilience, shape their resilient comunidadesterapeuticas. (Martin Barò, 2006). Technicians in primary care in health (TAPS), are the basis and strength, in the articulation of the community with health services, with the permanent support of the district Trustees, who are responsible for training and direct mentoring process in the community and health services. MODEL OF COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH Technicians in primary care in health (TAPS). they are the basis and strength. in the articulation of the community with health services. with the permanent support of district tutors. you are responsible for the training and direct tutoring

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