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nonviolent physical crisis intervention

Mental Written by psikolokospucp 22-11-2009 in General comments (3) the exaggeration is intended the model of a "barbie" as the image of the perfect woman implemented since childhood. Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness that involves a loss of weight for an intense fear of obesity and achieved by the person that ill through a series of behaviors. It mainly affects young women between 14 and 18 years. The same happens with bulimia nervosa, also considered a mental disorder that is characterized by repeated episodes of excessive intake of food in a short space of time in form of "binge eating" and a concern that is exaggerated by the control of body weight that leads to the person affected to adopt behaviors unsuitable and dangerous for their health. the image of yourself ceases to be real in your eyes, Psychology. identity and consumption The construction of identity within postmodern societies-related consumption and consumerism. analysed under the psychological discipline.

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