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nonviolent crisis intervention training

Consequences of the non-family planning. Some social consequences of this problem are unwanted pregnancies. Despite the rejection, resulting in pregnancy in women who are not concerned in those who do not want to have more children, contraceptive use is lower than expected and the incentive for resort to family planning programs is minimal. This problem not only leads to unwanted pregnancies, but it is a source of transmission of infectious diseases. On the other hand, unwanted pregnancies create, in the majority of cases, abortions, which also relate to the lack of responsible parenthood. To all this, you can add that the fact that there are high numbers of unintended pregnancies and abortions in the Peru is not due only to a group of women who acted with personal reasons, vale say that this is a social problem which are women with low level. socio-economic and cultural which are exposed to act without planning. In other respects, the lack of family planning causes to be not tell with sufficient resources to provide them to the children born as necessary for their survival. As a result, children may lose their lives due to biological and non-biological factors. Thus, produced a high rate of mortality for the same lack of childcare, lack of adequate food to each of them and the poor access to the medium in which those are developed. (Murillo.2001) The economic consequences have serious problems of overpopulation and poverty. Population growth had boom between 1940-1980." In 1940, the Peru had 6.2 million and a rate of population growth of 1.8%. In the following decades, there was a rapid growth, which continues today... For the year 2000, the population of the Peru would reach 27 million"(Sobrerilla. 1984:1-2). One of the consequences of this growth were excessive migration by people from the countryside to the capital: around 37% of the urban population is concentrated in Lima and Callao. Likewise, this brought further economic problems in Peruvian families, since revenues are not supplied their needs and those of their children generating poverty extreme.

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