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Station 23 station 23 Written by policialesahora 04-04-2016 in police comments (0) A the Federal City police sergeant was arrested on Sunday after raiding a kiosk and then point you to another cash of the force that was trying to reduce it, in the neighborhood of Constitution. Police sources revealed to the blog police now that the fact occurred around 19:30 in a trade in 1136 Salta Street, right next to the headquarters of Futbolistas Argentinos Guild members (FAA), when the offender, identified as Gustavo Mariano Aguirre, who works in the 23rd of the city's Federal Police Commissioner, joined the local armed with their regulatory gun theft purposes. Took money from the place undertook the brain running with the loot, while the owner of the trade gave notice to the police staff of the sectional 16th that toured the area in crime prevention. The uniform was the thief, who when I saw they reached it turned and pointed to his head, although fortunately a neighbor's place intervened and applied a botellazo to the head that knocked him down to the floor and at the same time allowed him to save cash who was trying to stop him. Immediately, the thief was reduced and taken to the 16th Commissioner as had neighbors who tried to lynch him. Researchers revealed this blog that the detainee wielded was "drunk" and that he had fought with the kiosquero, while some relatives noted that it was customary that he pointed to head the companions as a joke. Aguirre was detained at the police station 16th and is notificio to dependence 23rd for the arrest of this Sergeant, who was there in the police. Also the stolen money was seized in place, regulatory gun marked Browning and the credentials that identified him as staff of the Federal Police. THIS IS THE POLILADRON REGULATORY GUN

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