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crisis intervention training for schools

Psychological health concepts through its history and its relationship with the current clinic Posted by MaLuisaSXXI 02-09-2014 in item 1.3.2 reviews (0) INTRODUCTION Since the era of primitive human consciousness has been latent causalities that could not be explained with the knowledge then, this consciousness induced deduction and supposition of supernatural vectors that have influence on these. Thus the reason of man forced him to ask the why of things, and imagine possible solutions. PRIMITIVE ERA: Naturally thought that the mental ailments were related to magico-animista concept; and that the mental perturbations were attributed to demons deities. Greek civilization: His main contribution was the objective reasoning in understanding of nature based on personal experiences. We have the following examples: •Hipocrates (460 - 367ac): exceeded the animist thinking and exceeded general theories. The brain is the organ of thought and has natural causes of sufferings (Mania, melancholy, Frenitis). •Platon (428-347ac): health depends on the mind and body moral disorder which disorders mental can be. •Aristoteles (384-322ac): thought the mind immaterial and unaffected by diseases. It is estimated that his denial delayed psychopathology. ROMAN CULTURE: •Asclepiades (124-40ac): one of the most influential in its time. It differentiated between illusions, delusions, hallucinations, and opposed against indentations, and mechanical constraints •Galeno of Pergamo(129-199dc): in addition to having contributed with knowledge of SN, pointed out various causes of mental illness. AVERAGE age: A feature of this period is the penetration and the above position of the Church in all aspects of this emphasis on the miraculous everyone did not favor the creation of a climate necessary for progress in the study of several areas. During the middle ages, the treatment of choice was prayer, exorcism, use of relics and sacred points. Processions of flagellants: travelers with black tunics, carrying torches roamed fields and cities flogging with whips of metal tips for their sins. Possession of the Devil: the devil was able to push, pull, pull, and manipulate their victims to their desire. 15th and 16th century: during this period the humanists participated in the Treaty of the patient, assumed that the study of the ancient culture could make man a 'true humanist'. Parents to Petrarch and Boccaccio are considered. In 1409 the first asylum was made for the mentally ill, and the hospital of San Hipólito was the first hospital. Paralceso(1493-1541): I say that mental illness can have psychological causes and recommended magnetism for her treatment. Johann Weyer (): doctor charged with the study of mental illness. San Vincente de Paul (1581-1600): declare the same aid needed for mental and physical illnesses. ILLUSTRATION: Felipe Pinel(1745-1826): Director of the hospital La Bicêtre in Paris. Personal permission to remove the chains of mentally ill and give them a deal more human, and achievement without torturing them. This new reform took excellent results. In his treatise classified to four mental illnesses as: Mania, melancholy, idiocia, dementia, and its possibility of origin by heritage environmental influences. 20TH CENTURY: • 1949-the Australian psychiatrist John Cade (1912-1980) described the effects of lithium for the treatment of sick maniacs. 1952-the first conventional antipsychotic: chlorpromazine, became the first truly effective treatment for schizophrenia. • 1960 was synthesized clozapine, which became the first atypical antipsychotic. Antipsychotics as haloperidol were used for the first time to control the positive symptoms of psychosis with excellent results. • 1987 introduced the fluoxetine, the first selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. • 1994 is marketed for the first time the risperidone (antipsychotic atypical), getting new indications in dementia and bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia in later years. • 1997-investigations put shows that there are genetic implications for bipolar disorder. Even it has been suggested that the disease is inherited. Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment.

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