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non violent crisis intervention techniques

Know that each school has its own system of instruction, but in each training centre is that the student is informed that the misuse of the uniform and weapons of any insignia of the national police of Peru (logos, distinctive) is reason for sanction. Corresponds, then, to each director of school head of region, squint - as it should be - case by case, in order to identify the perpetrators of such derision and, why not, separate from the institution that shape them. Written by blogdehugomuller 2009-01-27 in General comments (0) KNOTS CRITICS: TRUE - FALSE OF THE ASSUMPTIONS DERIVED FROM THE FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MINISTRY PUBLIC AND THE NATIONAL POLICE OF PERU IN THE NEW CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL MODEL By: Hugo M�ller Sol�n - lawyer - Ex - Police Ombudsman From the police forces in the Peru and up to the year 2006, which begins the implementation of the criminal procedural code new (Wilson) were formed, the police has traditionally been the State Agency in charge of investigating crimes, despite the fact that with the law No. 24949 (06DIC1988) that creates the national police of Peru (PNP) unifying the Civil Guard, the police investigations and the Republican Guard the investigation of the offence ceased to be a specialty in the curricula of academic training of the PNP. With the creation of the public prosecutor's Office in the 1979 Constitution, a figure of speech and control over the police task was introduced (the Public Ministry is autonomous and hierarchically organized. It is:... Monitoring and intervene in the investigation of the offence from the police stage, and promote the criminal action of ex officio at the request of part"- art. 250 �, inc.5), which became more radical with the Constitution of 1993, where the intervention and control became driving (corresponds to the public prosecutor's Office:...) Lead the investigation of the offence since its inception. For that purpose, the national police is obliged to comply with the mandates of the implementation of the code of criminal procedure in the Public Ministry within the scope of their role"- art. 159, inc. 4).

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