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crisis intervention program

On 1 July of the year 2006, it entered into force the Wilson in the Judicial District of Huaura. From now on, the Wilson comes implemented in the Peru progressively, generating a transition stage in some cases controversial among organizations responsible for its implementation. In the particular case of the national police, the Wilson disappears prior police investigation stage together with the overcrowded police, empowers police to perform acts of investigation under the leadership and control of the public prosecutor's Office, identified the following critical knots in the police - Fiscal relationship: ENOUGH OF THE PRIVILEGES IT'S TIME TO DEMAND EQUAL RIGHTS BEFORE THE LAW. We are in January 2009 and every year it repeats the "DRAMA of the police removed in PERU". Hundreds of police officers and non-commissioned officers have undergone to removal the grounds of renewal of pictures, at your request, limit time of completed service, age, etc. Hundreds of widows, disabled, families, orphans and families in general, also live like every year the "DRAMA of the police removed in PERU". All they will need to resort to police administration called human resources management and Department of economy and Finance of the police national PERU, gives me grief, indignation and courage put it, problem is the truth, will need to go about begging their rights, others ask please be cared for in their rights, the more fortunate to find a friend a family member, a friend, the less fortunate will have to approach the police complex El Rimac kiosks and request the services of the brokers offering their immoral "services" within the same police unit, paying "bribes" for services received. Other will be subjected to mistreatment, harassment, delay, and abuses of all kinds.

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