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crisis intervention worker training

In order to facilitate the loading of the blog in your browser, just displayed this first inaugural news from our blog. To see the others, only you must click on the month of publication to the right of the screen. Remember also that blogspot is a free service and only displays 100 reviews by news. This is full, so leave your comments on other news. Thank you for your understanding. EXPLANATORY NOTE: A greeting from your comrades, to anyone we are part of that unit, the PM72 once. NOTICES OF INTEREST: 1. the news on this website are in chronological order. The most modern looks first. Blogspot only allows viewing of 100 reviews by news. As this is already full, please, leave your contributions in the other. 2. Likewise already we have a forum for us to facilitate contacts with former colleagues. Click on the word Forum to see. In the photo, from left to right: "Dynamite", "Bat", "Jaro" and "Winston" in the summer of 1982 at the front door of the captaincy of the VII Region military Valladolid Photo courtesy of dynamite.

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