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Police Ethics Written by hombreutil 05-09-2016 in ethics reviews (0) POLICE ETHICS. Ethics: it is the science that deals with the study of behavior. Police: they are the bodies responsible for ensuring order and safety of citizens Police Ethics: it deals with the rules of conduct of the bodies responsible for ensuring the maintenance of public order. INTEGRITY: all the elements are joined and they must work together acting in the same way, in an impartial manner; in order to be an item worthy of wearing the uniform to serve the nation. ORDER: instructions given to an element, are given by a superior toward his subordinates. Obeying him with respect and not go against the law. The duty of a police officer is to avoid and prevent violence of laws, wear proper uniform and act without delay protecting citizens, against violence, theft and other predatory acts. RELIABILITY: is an attitude that allows you to trust yourself and thus be able to trust the people through your expertise on a certain situation and can rely on you. LEGALITY: it is doing things in a correct way carry out actions respecting the laws. EFFICIENCY: it is doing things in a correct way and presented in time and form. HONESTY: accept and recognize your material goods and not act outside the law to get extra bonuses for an improper action. PROFESSIONALISM: Act in the fulfillment of your duty, without delay and carry out your actions in an appropriate manner and respect the laws without excluding or discriminating against anyone. RESPECT for human rights: not violating laws. Promote and disseminate the respect for people the police must be fidelity, respect and veneration of the symbols (flag and coat of arms). The police will recognize and respect to their superiors as legal and regulatory authorities CODE OF POLICE ETHICS DEFINITION of ethics is the part of philosophy, which deals with morality and the duties of man. Ethics must find the principles that lead to awareness. These principles form the frame of all moral system. The moral system tries to instruct man as in relationship with nature (of which man is part), as related to the society and other men, in relation to itself same and with the be Supreme is another thing that the same ethics applied to the police, in terms of its principles govern the exercise specific function. It deals with the rules of conduct of the bodies responsible for ensuring the maintenance of public order. Ethics police ensure the morality of its members as the Foundation of the national police. human being is the Supreme goal of society and the State. The police have the obligation to respect and protect it without establishing differences for reasons of sex, race, religion, opinion, language, economic status of otherwise. The police professional services are equally important; as a result, they should be taken care with the same interest and efficiency, without discrimination of any kind. The police should be aware that in all circumstances is service and that its prestige is the most effective weapon for the discharge of their duties. The ethical personality of the police, is based on the moral qualities and is consolidated with the habitual exercise of the virtues. This ethical personality radiates prestige and example in his private and public actions. The moral qualities of the police are: -Knowledge of the profession -Vocation -The professional moral -Justice -The fortress -Temperance -Sincerity -Friendship -The camaraderie Confirm your account It has been sent you an email to confirm you your account in following the link that will appear in the email to finish your registration and to comment. Categories

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